Printing Man Pages Unix For Mac

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-s Squeeze multiple adjacent empty lines, causing the output to be single spaced. -t Implies the -v option, and displays tab characters as `^I’ as well.

  1. Mac Unix Commands
  2. Unix For Mac Os X

Then you can print certain pages in your web browser. This isn't as powerful as doing it through the command line but it's a lot easier to get right since you can actually see what you're printing ahead of time. Just a short additional comment on learning man pages and new unix commands available on OS X. If you just type in a command that you know is in the man pages, you can explore it in depth to see what other commands are linked to it. Printing discussions on the UNIX and Linux Forums forums (page 1). 10 Unix commands every Mac and Linux user should know. Above would simply print the name of the variable, FOO. Unix commands. The options for a command by checking its manual or “man pages.

If you go to Wikipedia you can search under unix man page sections and find a detailed list of the usual unix variants’ man page sections. But whenever I try to print them out on my Mac – I get this; Macintosh:~ yourusername$ man -S list What manual page do you want? As you can see, my Mac doesn’t seem to want me snooping around the section list. I appears to be trying to help me locate specifically what I’m looking for and doesn’t want to print out the list of sections. However, if you look at the man pages’ instructions, it gives you a specific argument ‘ -S ‘ to extract that list: usage: man [-adfhktwW] [section] [-M path] [-P pager] [-S list] [-m system] [-p string] name Not only that, but when you enter man man at a shell prompt you can find this entry: -S section_list List is a colon separated list of manual sections to search. This option overrides the MANSECT environment variable. Always interesting how Apple decides to implement man page interactivity 2011 03 /07 CATEGORY TAGS.

To display a man page: • The short answer is: man command For example, man man shows you the man page for the man command. Is a code listing showing the beginning of the Unix man page for the man command. It is probably rather confusing at this point, which is why we have this chapter to explain Unix man pages. Typing man man lets you see the man page for the man command itself (this is partial output). [localhost:~] vanilla% man man man(1) man(1) NAME man - format and display the on-line manual pages SYNOPSIS man [ -acdfFhkKtwW] [ --path] [ -m system] [ -p string] [ -C config_file] [ -M pathlist] [ -P pager] [ -S section_list] [section] name. DESCRIPTION man formats and displays the on-line manual pages. If you specify sec- tion, man only looks in that section of the manual.

I need more information on just exactly what a 'raw queue' is. How and where do I set-up a raw queue?

I think it is more likely a problem that your printer doesn't have any idea how to handle the 'commands' you are sending it. What is the Canon BJ/IJ Raster filter? Can my Canon PIXMA MP460 work with it? If so, how do I make this happen? I just really need the ability to tell the printer to start a new page *+_when I want it to start a new page_+*, not when it or some print utility decides to start a new page, even if this involves PCL (printer control language).

Remember to set your clocks back Saturday night. Before church on Sunday check your unix on mac to confirm the time change; just do this macintosh:~ yourusername$ date 2011 11 /04 CATEGORY TAGS.

Adobe for mac downloads. Reliable: It opens and displays files of all sizes, even large ones with many detailed images, quickly and smoothly. We have not experienced any technical glitches.

STEP 3 - PRINT Now all you need to do is print! And punch holes in the pages. 聽 walk through. PRINTING 'AS IS' ON LETTER PAPER So this is pretty much the same as above, except you will be keeping the paper size as 'Letter' (8.5' x 11'). This is the default of all US printers so it's quite easy.

• Look at the ends of most man pages for a 'SEE ALSO' section that lists related commands. A related command might be more useful than the one you first thought to use. Sometimes you may not be sure which command you want. The apropos command can be used to search the title lines of all the manual pages.

Using the Unix Manual Every Unix command is supposed to have an associated man page that describes the command and the options available for using it. You read man pages using the man command. Unix man pages are arranged into eight or nine sections, depending on which flavor of Unix you are using. Mac OS X uses the nine sections shown in Table 3.1.

Most of these are copied from the FreeBSD version of Unix, the one used to create Mac OS X's Darwin layer. Some of these pages come from Apple itself, and some come from the software that Apple acquired when it bought NeXT. As of this writing (summer 2005), Apple has made progress updating the man pages to be Darwin specific, but the job is not yet done. Fortunately, most of the man pages do not require updating; unfortunately, there is no easy way to know which ones do require it. Command-line programs almost always provide a minimal level of built-in help—usually just enough to show you the options and arguments the command expects. Still, that is often enough to remind you of the proper way to use the command.

Let’s see how su works on MacOS: IDG Huh? I'm sure I typed the password correctly.

PRINTING 'AS IS' METHOD ON PRE-CUT PAPER STEP 1 - OPEN YOUR PAGES IN ADOBE READER STEP 2 - HIT PRINT Under 'Page Size + Handling', be sure 'Actual Size' is selected. You can also select 'Print on Both Sides' in this box. STEP 3 - HIT PROPERTIES This box is more customized to your printer. You'll want to be sure you have 3 things right: size Be sure the paper size is correct. In this case, you'll make sure it's set to A5 or Custom Size> 5.83' w by 8.27' h.

At any rate, you probably won’t find – gs – in your Mac’s man pages today. For my next post I’ll see what we can find out about that man version of 1.6c; and what if any thing of significance that indicates Best! Just a reminder for ‘Unix on the Mac’ newbies; the way to get to your Mac’s unix kernel is through the Terminal program.

Printing man Pages Unix man pages are plain-text files written using a special formatting syntax (see man mdoc for a tutorial). The raw files are not suitable for printing because they contain text that the man command uses to produce boldface, underlining, and other text formatting, but in many cases you can translate the man page into HTML or PostScript. Note that the printing techniques described here work for many, but not all, man pages, simply because some converters may not be able to handle certain formatting commands (the man pages may have been written at different times). However, you'll always be able to see the text on the screen—on the printed page you may get truncated text or missing paragraph breaks. See Chapter 6, 'Editing and Printing Files,' for more on printing from the command line. To print a man page to a PostScript printer: • man -t command lp For example, if you want a printed man page for the date command: man -t date lp You are using the -t option of the man command to produce PostScript output and piping that into the lp command. If you're not using a PostScript printer, you will probably get a nicely formatted result because Mac OS X includes open-source Unix software that helps non-PostScript printers print PostScript.

-e Implies the -v option, and displays a dollar sign (`$’) at the end of each line as well. -n Number the output lines, starting at 1. -s Squeeze multiple adjacent empty lines, causing the output to be single spaced. -t Implies the -v option, and displays tab characters as `^I’ as well. -u The -u option guarantees that the output is unbuffered.

They don't always exist for every command, which can be annoying. But worst of all, even if you find one that describes a command in which you're interested and it's up to date, you might still have a big problem: It might be next to useless. The same developers who write the programs usually (but not always) write the man pages. Most of the developers who write applications included with a Linux distribution are excellent programmers, but not always effective writers or explainers of their own work.

(See 'Printing man Pages,' later in this chapter, and 'Redirecting stdout' and 'Creating Pipelines of Commands,' in Chapter 2, 'Using the Command Line.' ) -w Shows the locations of the actual man page files instead of showing the pages themselves. Try combining this with -a. -M You must supply a list of one or more directories (separated by colons) right after this option. The directories are searched for man pages instead of the default locations (which are all in /usr/share/man). TIPs • Print a pretty version of a man page with man -t name lp • Use the man command to read about each new command in this book.

There was another program I noticed called – arch. Let’s see what it’s all about First I’ll run the – pwd – program to print my working directory. Macintosh:man1 yourusername$ pwd /usr/share/man/man1 Now let’s enter: man arch macintosh:man1 yourusername$ man arch We see that the program – arch – will print out the machine’s architecture type Well let’s do it!! Macintosh:man1 yourusername$ arch i386 Kool. So far a nice safe program! More on – arch – next time. Good Weekend all- 2011 11 /12 CATEGORY TAGS.

-u The -u option guarantees that the output is unbuffered. -v Displays non-printing characters so they are visible. Control characters print as `^X’ for control-X; the delete character (octal 0177) prints as `^?’ Non-ascii charac- ters (with the high bit set) are printed as `M-‘ (for meta) followed by the character for the low 7 bits. The cat utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs. BUGS Because of the shell language mechanism used to perform output redirection, the command “cat file1 file2 > file1” will cause the original data in file1 to be destroyed! SEE ALSO head(1), more(1), pr(1), tail(1), vis(1) Rob Pike, “UNIX Style, or cat -v Considered Harmful”, USENIX Summer Conference Proceedings, 1983.

-n Number the output lines, starting at 1. -s Squeeze multiple adjacent empty lines, causing the output to be single spaced. -t Implies the -v option, and displays tab characters as `^I’ as well. -u The -u option guarantees that the output is unbuffered. -v Displays non-printing characters so they are visible. Control characters print as `^X’ for control-X; the delete character (octal 0177) prints as `^?’ Non-ascii characters (with the high bit set) are printed as `M-‘ (for meta) followed by the character for the low 7 bits. The cat utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.

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Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Did a – ls -l – on usr/share/man/man1 and found a few interesting tidbits. My assumption is that /man1 is the OS X version of unix general commands man pages. That’s my guess for now anyway. Well, found an interesting command and I list it here just as a tidbit: a2p – a2p – is listed as a program which ‘selects the real version of the awk – to – perl translator to run’. When I decide to look into awk maybe we’ll explore a2p. Thanks Apple for keeping these programs on the system!

That may require a laser printer that supports PCL. I'm not sure if any current ink-based printers offer this type of support. Your MP460 and other Canon MP's and PIXMA's certainly don't. It might be helpful to think in terms of how do I get my ASCII into a form that the printing system can do its thing and send the proper data and formatting to my printer. After some Googling, it would appear that there may be several options.

Convert and replace b.txt. Convert d.txt and write to f.txt. Dos2unix -n c.txt e.txt -o a.txt b.txt -n d.txt f.txt Diagnostics Bugs The program does not work properly under MSDOS in stdio processing mode. If you know why is that so, please tell me. Authors Benjamin Lin - Bernd Johannes Wuebben (mac2unix mode) Miscellany Tested environment: Linux 1.2.0 with GNU C 2.5.8 SunOS 4.1.3 with GNU C 2.6.3 MS-DOS 6.20 with Borland C++ 4.02 Suggestions and bug reports are welcome. See Also (1) mac2unix(1).

A related command, sudo, allows you to become the super user for a single command. Why use sudo instead of su?

They know how things work, but they too often forget that users don't know the things that the developers find obvious and intuitive. With all of those problems, however, man pages are still a good resource for Linux users at all levels of experience. If you're going to use Linux on the command line, you need to learn how to use and read man pages. As stated before, using this command isn't hard. Just enter man, followed by the command about which you want to learn more. $ man ls LS(1) User Commands LS(1) NAME ls - list directory contents SYNOPSIS ls [OPTION]. DESCRIPTION List information about the FILEs (the current directory by default).

I am also aware of printf, which allows for formatted output and has a man page. In zsh, at the prompt, type print, and then Alt-H.

I know that you can print a whole man page at once, in plain monospaced text, by doing something like man mc col -b lpr -P printername Or to print it 'pretty' (Serif font, bold, italics etc.) by doing zcat /usr/share/man/man1/mc.1.gz groff -man -Tps lpr -P printername As this basically sends a postscript file to the printer, you can also save it to a PostScript file by doing zcat /usr/share/man/man1/mc.1.gz groff -man -Tps > But I have no idea if you can easily extract a certain page, pages, or sections.

This shows that my home directory is 92 percent full, so I should probably clean it up. But how do I know where all the space is being used? That’s what du is for: IDG For this example, I went with an incantation that limits the output to the first 10 lines. Otherwise du will list every directory on the machine, which could easily be too much to grasp. From this listing you can see how much space is consumed by each directory. You might also see how, by chaining a few commands together, we could easily put together a script that would list the top 10 directories by space usage.

If you don’t have an alias to your terminal – check the applications folder in a finder window. I wanted to explore a little more deeply into the – cat – or concatenate command today. Remember we ran the man pages for – cat – last time like this in a Terminal window: Macintosh:~ yourusername$ man cat and the output we read looked like this: NAME cat — concatenate and print files SYNOPSIS cat [-benstuv] [-] [file ] DESCRIPTION The cat utility reads files sequentially, writing them to the standard output. The file operands are processed in command line order. A single dash represents the standard input. The options are as follows: -b Implies the -n option but doesn’t number blank lines. -e Implies the -v option, and displays a dollar sign (`$’) at the end of each line as well.

Mac Unix Commands

– cat – reads files sequentially and writes them. Simple but very powerful.

Unix For Mac Os X

Still, that is often enough to remind you of the proper way to use the command. Help from other people is the most valuable kind, and it's available from a variety of sources. At the end of this chapter is a list of the best places to look. Using the Unix Manual Every Unix command is supposed to have an associated man page that describes the command and the options available for using it. You read man pages using the man command. Unix man pages are arranged into eight or nine sections, depending on which flavor of Unix you are using.